Bus Routes
Please click the link above to download the 2024-2025 bus routes. Bus numbers will be assigned prior to the start of school. Please plan to check back here before August 1 for any schedule changes. Information is current as of 7/31/24.
Also, please note that during the first two weeks of school:
- JES & JA students should be ready for pick up at 6:10 a.m.
- JMS & JHS students should be ready for pickup at 7:15 a.m.
- Students may arrive home a little later than scheduled.
We appreciate your patience as everyone gets accustomed to new routines!
Questions? You may reach the transportation department at 706-367-1787.
Stop for Buses
Please be vigilant and watch for our children. Pay attention to school bus stop arms, adhere to speed limits in school zones and allow extra time for your commute. Let's ensure a safe and successful school year!