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Meal Payments

Meals should be paid for in advance or paid daily. For your convenience, you may pay online with a credit, debit card or e-check. If you would like to prepay your student’s meal account online, please visit the Parent Portal. You can make payments, view balances, view meal histories, and receive low-balance notifications. Payments can be applied to multiple lunch accounts under one transaction. Please note that starting with the 2024-2025 school year, transaction fees will be applied online and at card-swipe machines at all cafeterias.

Checks and cash are also accepted at each school as long as the funds are submitted in an envelope that includes the student's name, grade level, homeroom teacher, activity (i.e. meals) and the total amount of money enclosed. Staff will not accept funds without an envelope.

NEW for 2024-2025: Card swipe machines will be available in all cafeterias to accept card payments. These payments will incur the transaction fees mentioned above.

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Meal Prices

School Breakfast Prices Lunch Prices
Jefferson Elementary School $1.40 $2.40
Jefferson Academy $1.40 $2.60
Jefferson Middle School $1.40 $2.75
Jefferson High School $1.40 $2.75
System Employee $1.75 $4.00
Visitors $1.75 $4.00
Reduced Meals (all schools) $0.00 $0.00


5 Reason to Free & Reduced Lunch Application