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Centegix CrisisAlert System

Centegix CrisisAlert System

The Jefferson City School District has made several preparations to deal effectively and efficiently with emergency situations that could occur in or around our campuses. At all times, our first priority is to protect all students, staff and visitors from potentially dangerous situations.

The Centegix CrisisAlert System allows for all faculty to have instant communication through the use of personal badges that send alerts to the Jefferson Police Department, Jefferson Fire Department and administrative staff, as well as initiate an audible cue and colored beacons that change color based on the crisis type. Beacons are located strategically throughout the schools to allow for other faculty to be aware of a potential threat or need for assistance.

In order for our emergency response plans to be most effective, we depend on the cooperation and assistance of many people, including parents and guardians. If you are on campus during an emergency alert, please be mindful of the colored beacons as we strictly follow safety and security protocols.

HARD LOCKDOWN: This code is signaled by a red light and is used when there is a serious threat to the student body or staff. Exterior and interior doors will remain locked. Students may not leave classrooms until properly

LOCKOUT: This is signaled with a yellow light and is used as a heightened state of security and a preventative lockdown of the school when there is no serious threat to the student body or staff. Students will be brought indoors and exterior doors will be locked. Further instructions will be provided for instructional activities and transitions.

HOLD: This is signaled with a white light as a heightened state of security and a preventative lockdown of the school when there is no serious threat to the student body or staff. Students are asked to stay in their location, hallways are cleared and classrooms remain locked until further instruction.

EVACUATE: This is signaled using a green light. Evacuations can be used during fires, natural disasters, hazardous material spills, bomb threats, etc. Each school will report to a designated location that is a safe distance away from the threat. Reunification procedures will follow as needed.

SHELTER IN PLACE: This is signaled with a blue light and is used during severe weather situations such as tornados or earthquakes. Students engage in necessary safety protocol as demanded by the threat.

Colored Beacons

Red Beacon-Lockdown


Yellow Beacon-Lockout


White Beacon-hold


Green Beacon-Evacuate


Blue Beacon-Shelter in Place